Peter Szolovits
Peter Szolovits is Professor of Computer Science and Engineering and head of the Clinical Decision-Making Group within CSAIL. He is also an associate member of the MIT Institute for Medical Engineering and Science (IMES) and on the faculty of the Harvard/MIT Health Sciences and Technology program.
His research centers on the application of AI methods to problems of medical decision making, predictive modeling, decision support, and design of information systems for health care institutions and patients. He has worked on problems of diagnosis, therapy planning, execution and monitoring for various medical conditions, computational aspects of genetic counseling, controlled sharing of health information, and privacy and confidentiality issues in medical record systems.
Peter Szolovits' interests in AI include machine learning, natural language processing, knowledge representation, qualitative reasoning, and probabilistic inference. His interests in medical computing include Web-based heterogeneous medical record systems, life-long personal health information systems, and design of cryptographic schemes for health identifiers. He teaches classes in biomedical computing and in computer systems engineering, and has taught artificial intelligence, programming languages, medical desision making, knowledge-based systems and probabilistic inference.
Prof. Szolovits has served as program chairman and on the program committees of national conferences, on the editorial board of several journals, and has been a founder of and consultant for several companies that apply AI to problems of commercial interest. Prof. Szolovits was elected to the National Academy of Medicine and is a Fellow of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence, the American College of Medical Informatics, the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering, and the International Academy of Health Sciences Informatics.
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Last updated Feb 16 '22