Charles River Crypto Day @ MIT
Srini Devadas, Salil Vadhan and Nadia Heninger
MIT, Harvard and UC San Diego
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2025-01-30 9:30:00
2025-01-30 16:30:00
Charles River Crypto Day @ MIT
MIT’s Schwarzman College of Computing is pleased to announcea day-long workshop surveying recent developments incryptography and computer security. The event will featureinvited talks by Florian Tramer (ETH Zurich), Salil Vadhan(Harvard), and Nadia Heninger (UC San Diego). In addition, MITfaculty member Srini Devadas and three MIT PhD students (NoahGolowich, Alexandra Henzinger, and Seyoon Ragavan) will give anoverview of research activity in these areas on campus.The event is open to the public, so please share this invitationwidely. *Please register at the link below so that we can makesure that there is enough coffee and food for everyone.*~~~ Logistical Information ~~~Date: Thursday, January 30, 2025Time: 9:30 am–4:30 pmLocation:MIT Building 45, 8th Floor51 Vassar StreetCambridge, MA 02139Please register here: Program ~~~9:30-10:30am:Srini Devadas (MIT): “Designing Hardware for Cryptography and Cryptography for Hardware”10:30-11:00am: Coffee break11.00am-12.00pm: Invited talkSalil Vadhan (Harvard): “Multicalibration: a New Tool for Security Proofs in Cryptography”12.00-1.30pm: Lunch (provided)1.30-3.00pm: MIT Student Talks1.30-2.00pm: Noah Golowich: “Edit Distance Robust Watermarking”2.00-2.30pm: Alexandra Henzinger: “Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption from Sparse LPN”2.30-3.00pm: Seyoon Ragavan: “Factoring with a Quantum Computer: The State of the Art”3.00-3.30pm: Coffee break3.30-4.30pm: Invited talkNadia Heninger (UC San Diego): “Cryptanalynomics”~~~ Abstracts for Hour-Long Talks ~~~Title: “Designing Hardware for Cryptography and Cryptography for Hardware”Speaker: Srini Devadas (MIT)Abstract:There have been few high-impact deployments of hardwareimplementations of cryptographic primitives. We present thebenefits and challenges of hardware acceleration ofsophisticated cryptographic primitives and protocols, anddescribe our past work on accelerating fully homomorphicencryption. We argue the significant potential for synergisticcodesign of cryptography and hardware, where customized hardware accelerates cryptographic protocols that are designed with we present hardware acceleration in mind. As a concrete example, a new design of a zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) accelerator that leverages hardware-algorithm co-design to generate proofs 500 times faster than a 32-core CPU.This work was done in collaboration with Simon Langowski, NikolaSamardzic, and Daniel Sanchez.***Title: "Multicalibration: A New Tool for Security Proofs in Cryptography"Spaker: Salil Vadhan (Harvard)Abstract:In this talk, I will describe how Multicalibration, a newconcept arising from the algorithmic fairness literature, isa powerful tool for security proofs in cryptography. Specifically, the Multicalibration Theorem of[HébertJohnson-Kim-Reingold-Rothblum `18] asserts that everyboolean function g, no matter how complex, is"indistinguishable" from a "simple" randomized function. Specifically, there is a "low-complexity" partition of thedomain of g into a small number of pieces such that on almostevery piece P_i, if we choose an input X uniformly at randomfrom P_i, (X,g(X)) is computationally indistinguishable from(X,Bernoulli(p_i)), where p_i is the expectation of g on P_i. As shown by [Dwork-Lee-Lin-Tankala `23], this isa complexity-theoretic analogue of Szemeredi's Regularity Lemmain graph theory, which partitions the vertex set of every graphG into a small number of pieces P_i, such that on almost allpairs P_i x P_j, the graph G is, in a certain sense,indistinguishable from a random bipartite graph with edgedensity matching that of G on P_i x P_j.The Multicalibration Theorem allows us to reduce many questionsabout computational hardness and computationalindistinguishability to their information-theoretic analogues. Thus, it can be viewed as a qualitative strengthening of severalcomplexity-theoretic results that were already known to havemany applications to security proofs in cryptography, such asImpagliazzo's Hardcore Lemma [Impagliazzo `95, Holenstein `06],the Complexity-Theoretic Dense Model Theorem[Reingold-Trevisan-Tulsiani-Vadhan `08], and the WeakComplexity-Theoretic Regularity/Leakage Simulation Lemma of[Trevisan-Tulsiani-Vadhan `09, Jetchev-Pietrzak `14]. Inparticular, we show that these latter results all follow easilyas corollaries of the Multicalibration Theorem. Furthermore, wealso use it to obtain new results characterizing how manysamples are required to efficiently distinguish twodistributions X and Y in terms of their"pseudo-Hellinger-distance" (or the "pseudo-Renyi-1/2 entropy"of X in case Y is uniform).Joint works with Sílvia Casacuberta and Cynthia Dwork and withCassandra Marcussen and Louie Putterman.***Title: "Cryptanalynomics"Spaker: Nadia Heninger (UC San Diego)Abstract:This talk is a meditation on the current state of cryptanalysisresearch in public-key cryptography. I will explore theincentives for and against cryptanalysis in the academiccommunity, and how this is reflected in the current state ofclassical and post-quantum cryptanalysis research. Thisdiscussion is informed by my own experience, as well asa pseudorandomly chosen selection of unscientific personaldiscussions with a variety of researchers across our community.
MIT Building 45, 8th Floor, 51 Vassar Street