High-Assurance Cryptography

We're building tools to generate cryptographic implementations with machine-checked mathematical proofs of correctness and security, via the Coq proof assistant.
Our first project was Fiat Cryptography, a domain-specific, formally verified compiler for cryptographic arithmetic. Today it drives important parts of (elliptic-curve-based) TLS in both Chrome and Firefox, and it has been adopted by a few other open-source projects.
We are now studying a number of higher- and lower-level extensions, including security proofs of protocols, proof-generating compilation of protocol descriptions to executable code, correct-by-construction generation of code for parts of crypto libraries beyond just finite-field arithmetic, and generation of proved assembly code rather than just C.
Contact us
If you would like to contact us about our work, please refer to our members below and reach out to one of the group leads directly.
Last updated Feb 22 '22