9:30 Solo Whale from Songs of the Humpback Whales
9:50 Daniela Rus, Professor & Director of CSAIL, MIT; Machine Learning & Robotics, Project CETI
10:10 Charles Walcott, Professor Emeritus, Cornell University
10:20 Bernie Krause, Soundscape ecologist & musician (video)
10:23 Phillip J. Clapham, Ph.D., Seastar Scientific (video)
10:30 Diana Reiss, Professor of Psychology, Hunter College and CUNY Biopsychology Graduate Program
10:50 Stuart Firestein, Professor and Chair of Biological Sciences, Columbia University
11:00 Carl Safina, Professor for Nature & Humanity, Stony Brook University; Founder, Safina Center
11:20 Hal Whitehead, Professor of Biology, Dalhousie University
12:00 Rob Wood, Professor, Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, Harvard University
12:10 Mariano Sironi (live via Zoom), Instituto de Conservación de Ballenas
12:20 Luncheon—R&D Commons, 32-G401
1:20pm Paul Winter, Lullaby from the Great Mother Whale
13:40 Pratyusha Sharma, PhD student, CSAIL / MIT
14:50 Lisa Harrow on Roger Payne
14:55 Paul Winter, Song for Roger