Nouran Soliman
32-G596Nouran is a PhD student in EECS working with David Karger on motivating online academic discourse. Nouran's research lies in the areas of human-computer interaction and social computing. Nouran is interested in designing and building better systems to facilitate and improve the experience of online communities. Her interests include online discourse, education, news and filter bubbles. Previously, Nouran worked at MIT with Fox Harrell on creating an interactive educational Hip Hop experience in collaboration with Microsoft and the Universal Hip Hop Museum. Before coming to MIT, Nouran interned at UIUC where she worked with Karrie Karahalios and Motahhare Eslami on breaking political filter bubbles. She also interned at Adobe Systems working on improving Adobe Dimension. Nouran is also an Adobe Scholarship 2017 winner and a Google Women-in-Tech 2019 winner.
Last updated May 11 '21