New Algorithm Could Speed Information Sharing

In the never-ending quest for how to disseminate large amounts of information as quickly and efficiently as possible, CSAIL postdoc Keren Censor-Hillel has discovered a way to avoid the information traffic jams bottlenecks often create in ad-hoc networks. Censor-Hillel and Hadas Shachnai of Technion – Israel Institute of Technology presented a new algorithm at the 2011 ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms that facilitates more efficient information sharing by alternating communication strategies.

The algorithm could be useful in creating networks of wireless devices that can monitor their surroundings. Censor-Hillel is also working with Associate Professor Jonathon Kelner and CSAIL graduate students Bernhard Haeupler and Petar Maymounkov on an algorithm that will work with unlimited bandwidths.

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