Citadel & Citadel Securities: Exploring Quantitative Research: Tech Talk & Networking Social


Citadel & Citadel Securities
CSAIL Alliances


Philip Arsenault
You've been invited to Exploring Quantitative Research: Tech Talk & Networking Social hosted by CSAIL Alliances member Citadel & Citadel Securities from 3-4pm on 9/11 in CSAIL, Room G449 (Kiva Seminar Room).

We're excited to kick start the fall semester with an exciting tech talk and networking social. Join us to learn about Quantitative Research, Internships, Full-Time Roles and cutting edge topics we're working on.

All individuals in attendance will receive Citadel | Citadel Securities swag as well as be entered for a drawing at the end of the talk.

Space is limited so please RSVP as soon as possible.