2015 marks the tenth anniversary of a continuing collaboration between Quanta Computer Inc., the world's largest manufacturer of laptop computers, and CSAIL. The $45.5 million partnership involves nearly 10 percent of all CSAIL members – principal investigators, research staff, and students – in areas ranging from hardware/software systems and security to natural interactions using speech and vision. It also focused on two application areas -- healthcare and education.
The collaboration was initially named "T-Party" to emphasize the revolutionary nature of the move away from laptops to mobile computing. It was renamed to "Project Qmulus" after Year Five to highlight the shift in focus towards cloud computing.
A number of our developed technologies have resulted in research prototypes in secure and fast hardware for data centers, natural interactions using speech for health-related applications, motion magnification for medical applications, technologies for improving MOOC deliveries, and many others.
This web page commemorates this partnership with overview videos, as well as vignettes highlighting in greater detail some of the research projects.