Thesis Defense: Itay Berman: Information Theoretic Advances in Zero-Knowledge


Itay Berman, MIT


Vinod Vaikuntanathan (Advisor), Yael Kalai and Ronitt Rubinfeld

Zero-knowledge proofs have an intimate relation to notions from information�theory. In particular, the class of all problems possessing statistical�zero-knowledge proofs (SZK) was shown to have complete problems characterized by�the statistical distance (Sahai and Vadhan [JACM, 2003]) and entropy difference�(Goldreich and Vadhan [CCC, 1999]) of a pair of efficiently samplable�distributions. This characterization has been extremely beneficial in�understanding the computational complexity of languages with zero-knowledge�proofs and deriving new applications from such languages.��In this thesis, we further study the relation between zero-knowledge proofs and�information theory. Our main results are:��1. Two additional complete problems for SZK characterized by other information�  theoretic notions---triangular discrimination and Jensen-Shannon�  divergence. These new complete problems further expand the regime of�  parameters for which the Statistical Difference Problem is complete for SZK.��2. The hardness of a problem related to the non-interactive variant of the�  Entropy Difference Problem implies the existence of a useful cryptographic�  primitive called multi-collision resistant hash functions (MCRH).��3. We initiate the study of zero-knowledge in the model of interactive proofs of�  proximity (IPP). We show efficient zero-knowledge IPPs for several�  problems. We also show that not every efficient IPP can be made�  zero-knowledge.�