ACM Names Kaashoek Winner of Infosys Foundation Award

Professor Frans Kaashoek, an associate director of CSAIL and a leader of the Parallel and Distributed Operating Systems Group, has been named the 2010 recipient of the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) Infosys Foundation Award in the Computing Sciences. Kaashoek is credited with greatly improving the structuring, robustness, scalability and security of software systems.

ACM President Alain Chesnais said, “Kaashoek’s contributions have had a deep impact on the direction of important research in software systems as well as broad implications for practical systems design. His visionary research has changed not only the structure of systems. It has had extensive practical impacts for entrepreneurial opportunities and commercial applications, making him a significant influence in the world.”

The award, which comes with a $150,000 prize, was established in August 2007 to recognize young researchers for contributing to major advances in the computing field.

Kaashoek is credited for his work in improving Internet security for commercial systems and networked applications, as well as his efforts towards improving robustness and scalability of applications and distributed systems.

Going forward, Kaashoek is focused on developing operating systems for multicore chips, as well as a new security initiative, in collaboration with Assistant Professor Nicolai Zeldovich, which would allow operating systems to, in effect, travel back in time to recover from attacks.

“Computer science is an incredibly active field with a lot of fantastic researchers in it. Being honored by such an excellent group of peers is pretty cool,” said Kaashoek of his recognition.

“This is a recognition for all of the students and colleagues I have worked with. All of my work is in collaborative fashion,” he explained. “It is also a recognition of the environment that MIT creates to do this type of research.”

For more on Kaashoek’s recognition, visit

Abby Abazorius, CSAIL