This app will make you a safer driver

New data shows that DriveWell, an app spun out of CSAIL, improves users' driving habits.

In April CSAIL researchers led the launch of EverDrive, an app aimed at improving people's driving by measuring habits like speeding, acceleration, hard turning, harsh braking and phone distractions.

This week the team's spinoff company, Cambridge Mobile Telematics (CMT), crunched the numbers to show that the app improves users' driving habits.

Among the findings:

  • On average, users reduced hard braking by 20 percent and phone use while driving by 35 percent.
  • The top 15 percent of drivers were distracted by their phone 40 percent less than the average driver, and have 50 percent fewer hard braking events.
  • Drivers persist with their improvement continuously, even beyond 6 months.

Read more on the CMT blog: